1. Appeture Science Handheld Portal Device
2. *M4A1 Carbine with person*
3. -Legolas's bow for 2.2.5
4. .22 Pistol with Laser Light
5. .50 CAL Magnum
6. .50 calliber machine gun
7. 1 Handed Sword (its awesome :D)
8. 10bks bolt action sniper
9. 1337 SPAS-12 by yf94
10. 1552camando
11. 1f200
12. 2 handed Legion Sword
13. 2 handed legion sword(remake)
14. 22 Rifle
15. 3 Axes
16. 3-part Sword
17. 3D Bullet Pack
18. 3D Shield pack by CHA-POW
19. 3D sword
20. 3D Sword LoLOLLol
21. 403mm Gas Powered KK9 AP
22. 44. Ruger
23. 50. Cal
24. 50. Cal Magnum - S + W
25. 88mm FLAK
26. 99.0mm burst fire assult rifle
27. 9mm SemiFull auto Rifle
28. A scythe thingy
29. A sword pack
30. A very complicated gun
31. A-91
32. AAASword Pack (no fills!)
33. Abyssal blade
34. Abyssal halberd
35. Abyssal scimitar
36. ACR
37. AeonSword (Beta Only )
38. AEP7 Laser Pistol (Fallout 3)
39. Airbucks
40. AK-103
41. AK-22 usb PANZER Pistol
42. Ak-47
43. AK-47
44. AK-47
45. Ak-47
46. Ak-47
47. Ak-47 (kalashnikov)
48. Ak-47 (w) red dot sight and silencer
49. Ak-47 best
50. AK-47 FP v2